I am a freelance artist/ animator, why? because it's my passion to make art. i take Commissions so please don't be shy and ask and I will make the drawing.

Age 32

Artist / Animator

Pizza Planet

Joined on 11/3/11

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megadrivesonic's News

Posted by megadrivesonic - October 26th, 2015

come and check out my new catoon folks, right here on newgrounds


Posted by megadrivesonic - December 31st, 2014

Well 2015 is right around the corner, now wheres my cafe 80's!?

Posted by megadrivesonic - August 20th, 2014

Ok today while I was drawing skype on my desktop suddenly signs out and i cant sign back in, But for some reason it still works on my tablet, WTF is going on?

Posted by megadrivesonic - February 17th, 2014

Have you ever had an instance when a parent has taken something from a cartoon and took it completely out of context and judges the cartoon solely on one thing they didn’t like and try to do everything in their power to make sure you don’t watch it?  Well that happened to my 11 year old little sister today with Adventure Time. Now let’s begin with how it all started, my little sister decided despite what I said to not watch the show without me to do it anyway. I said this because I didn’t want her to see the stranger episodes like this even though their rather tame compared to the tween coms she constantly watches.

While she was watching on of the stranger and awkward episodes the witches garden where after Jake the dog steels a donut from a witches donut garden has his powers taken away. From what I was told my mother had walked in on her when Jake was literally stripped of his powers showing him in his briefs and now having a middle aged man’s body( most of the awkwardness of the episode comes from this alone). Now what my mother took from this out of context moment was that Jake was naked and had women breasts… Confused yet? Essentially what has happened here is that she saw this very strange scene in a cartoon that she is never seen before and decides to judge it on this one thing alone and tells my sister “No you cannot watch this anymore.”  What makes this worse is my sister changes her opinions on a show she liked all because she doesn’t want to disrespect her elders despite her reasoning being rather absurd.

I decided to talk to my sister about it but she wouldn’t listen because I asked her to look at how unjust this was and she scolded me for it because she was dead set to not disobey her and claimed I was breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Why should questioning a decision that’s made entail this? We argued for an hour before giving up because she clearly wasn’t going to listen to me regarding this since mother knows best apparently even though she had jumped to conclusions about other cartoons like Invader Zim and The Wild Thorn berries in the past with me and my older siblings. I later confronted my mother on the Issue thinking maybe she could discuss this whole issue with me diplomatically, however I was wrong. When I said her choice wasn’t justly made she ate me alive telling me no one in this house is going to watch this inappropriate tripe of a cartoon. I never got the change to try and explain things because at that point she was being as stubborn as a Pit bull guarding a bone. I don’t think I will ever get through her with this instance like I have in the past with other cartoons unfortunately so my sister will still be going by my mother’s rather dense opinion on the show making my sister hypocritical due to her liking the show before this happened.

It’s no secret that for a time I hated the show but after watching more of it I loved it. I like the cartoon because It has something that allot of things made these days lack, Intelligence.  Very few cartoons have any actual effort in them anymore, this is clear with shows like Uncle Grandpa and Clarence getting green lit. It’s nice to see a show with actual brains and effort put into it. The show at times would also have heart, there were times where I genuinely felt bad for these characters and was happy when a conflict was resolved. It really bothers me when genuinely good cartoons are shunned and thrown out the door when looking at something for face value and won’t listen to arguments against them. This will conclude my rant for now; I had to find a constructive way to let out my rage which is what was done here. 

Posted by megadrivesonic - December 24th, 2013

Now Since its Christmas, I decided to do a speed paint of the Ice Queen from adventure time(yes this is a real character). This was also my first speed paint using open canvas meaning I didn't have to record while drawing which was fairly convenient. Well hope you all like it and merry Christmas to you all. want to suggest what i should do next? Request what you want to see next in the comments.

Finnished picture: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/megadrivesonic/ice-queen

Posted by megadrivesonic - November 28th, 2013

Killer Instinct has been mistreated by Microsoft since 2007, they wouldn't let Rare make it because MS wanted Nuts and Bolts, but because that one game did poorly they sent them to Kinect hell never to return. Then Microsoft had the Gaul to give one of gaming's most underrated franchises to Double Helix, the company who hasn't made a single good game their entire career (they made the Michael bay battleship game).
As I saw more of the game play it kind of looked fun but Microsoft somehow had to ruin that by not only rushing the game but making it a free to play game, forcing you to buy the rest of the characters. On top of that we only have 8 characters! This was OK for something like skullgirls because they were an indie developer with limited resources but have been releasing more characters for free when they first come out( doesn't help its $14.99).
Double helix doesn't have this excuse so even for $20.00 this game is very bare bones since there is no story mode, no arcade mode to my knowledge, just overall it’s not a good value. But the thing that really got me was the characters they decided to put it, now I’ll give them credit for keeping most of the original fighters such as Jago, Saberwulf and Orchid. However It baffles me that they left out fan favorites like Cinder and Riptor in favor of Sadira who may or may not be good.
But I will admit that’s a nitpick but this game not being a good value for your money is not. If they were allowed to Finnish this game and not rush it, I might have had a different view on this game but unfortunately is not the case. I’ll be surprised if Microsoft releases this on the PC on steam in its complete state (fingers crossed). Now I will try a demo of this game if given the chance but that won’t be likely for a while. If you like the game that’s fine however I wrote this so you would be aware of not only its micro transaction nightmarish nature, but also so you knew the history behind Rare having a passion to make this game but Microsoft ultimately squandering Rare’s talent.

MS what have you done to Killer Instinct!?

Posted by megadrivesonic - November 7th, 2013

YouTube, Stop making things worse...Please. Why can't I reply to old comments? Why can't I go to my inbox by clicking an inbox button? I continue to wonder why google keeps insisting we should be ok with changes like this?

Petition to stop this BS: https://www.change.org/petitions/google-change-the-youtube-comment-section-back-to-its-original-form#share

Posted by megadrivesonic - June 28th, 2013

For those who i haven't been able to reply to or a lack of art. At the beginning of this week my little brother ended up having five seizures that day each not to far apart from the other( it didn't help he had one before that that ended up popping his left arm out of its socket). Hes been in the hospital and ER this whole week and is thankfully going to be coming home tomorrow. Things are starting to return to normal but i can only pray that nothing else bad happens to him or anyone in my family right now. Just wanted to update you guys on what's been going on, its still yet determined whether my family and i will be in California for a week or so but ill keep you posted on what happens.

Posted by megadrivesonic - June 13th, 2013

I have to say after watching all the E3 conferences I'm pleasantly surprised how many good things are coming out of Sony and Nintendo( not Microsoft for obvious reasons) I'm going to give you my thoughts about what the three gave us this year.

Lets start off with Microsoft. I can't believe rather than trying to undo the damage that was done at the reveal and the days leading up to E3, They somehow made it even worse. They Showed very little to entice consumers and had very low regard to indie devs. What's makes this worse is they lied about some games saying they were exclusive to xbox one, Titanfall was said to be exclusive when EA later said it also be for pc and ps4. It doesn't help they apparently paid 3rd party developers to not show games on the ps4 and yet microsoft had no games still. Microsoft just killed it for the xbox one, if you get one your supporting bad business models such as the always online drm.

When sony's conference came along it was a godsend to gamers. It may have started off a little boring with the vita talk but after that it was game after game. It also seems like sony was the whole time giving microsoft a big fat middle finger when talking about how you don't have to pay a fee with used games or no online drm. By far the biggest game announced on the ps4 was kingdom hearts 3( why did it take them so long!?) Sony definitely has got the goods for gamers however theres only one bad thing they announced You'll have to have ps plus for multiplayer, despite that ps plus is still a better value then xbox gold( free full retail games on psn). Its clear that sony just dominated microsoft this E3.

The for me the big one was nintendo's E3 direct. Its exactly what i wanted nothing but game after game. They even apologized to gamers about the lack of games recently. All the games showed were great, dkc tropical freeze, mario 3d world, smash bros 4, mario kart 8 and of course Ducktales remastered. They also showed plenty of third party games showing EA they didn't need em at all. Overall Nintendo and Sony won E3 and microshaft failed. What's your take on all this craziness? i'd like to know.

Posted by megadrivesonic - May 30th, 2013

As most people who are gamers or sonic fans know, Theres been alot of news regarding the new sonic game "Sonic Lost World". According to polls on Sega's forums, The reaction was pretty mixed. One thing i've noticed though was allot of people whining and complaining about the fact that its a nintendo exclusive. Yet for some reason no one complained when sonic colors was a nintendo exclusive, What made that one different? I'm just glad this time that no one complained how theres a green hill style stage or the fact its modern sonic. You have to realize the reason its exclusive is because sega and nintendo made a deal for from what has been told three sonic games. Im looking forward to playing this game and when i get it i will review it, now i encourage you all to wait for the game to come out before declaring it sucks or it doesn't belong on a nintendo system. Now let the debates begin!